Copyright Notice

This website, including all associated content related to Akasha Retreat and Villa Alba, is owned and operated by Turism Regard SRL. All materials published or shared on this website and our affiliated platforms since 2016 are protected under applicable intellectual property and copyright laws.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Text: Written content, articles, descriptions, reviews, and narratives.

  • Images: Photographs, illustrations, and graphics, whether created by us or commissioned.

  • Videos: All video materials, promotional or otherwise, published on the website or our official social media accounts.

  • Designs: Website layout, branding, logos, and aesthetic elements unique to Akasha Retreat and Villa Alba.

  • Social Media Posts: Any content shared via our official social media channels.

Unauthorized Use

The following actions are strictly prohibited without explicit prior written consent from Turism Regard SRL:

  • Copying, reproducing, or redistributing any content, in whole or in part.

  • Modifying, adapting, or creating derivative works from our materials.

  • Using our photos, videos, or text for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

  • Republishing our social media posts, reviews, or other online materials in any manner that suggests association or endorsement.

Unauthorized use of any content may result in legal action, including but not limited to claims for damages, injunctions, and recovery of legal costs.

Fair Use Exceptions

Certain uses, such as for educational, non-commercial purposes under fair use guidelines, may be allowed only with proper attribution and notification to Turism Regard SRL. However, explicit permission is still required in most cases to avoid legal conflicts.

Licensing Requests

If you are interested in using any of our content, please contact us in advance for licensing permissions. Licensing inquiries can be directed to us via email at [insert email address] or through our contact form [insert link].


Turism Regard SRL actively monitors the use of its intellectual property and will take appropriate legal measures against unauthorized usage, including reporting violations to hosting platforms, social media sites, or search engines, as applicable.

© Turism Regard SRL, 2016–2024. All Rights Reserved.

We appreciate your respect for our creative efforts and the integrity of our work.